The Athens County Engineer’s Office is accepting bids to provide Athens County and all villages and townships with limestone aggregate and asphalt products. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is accepting bids to provide Athens County with five (5) precast concrete box culverts with precast wing walls and head walls. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-CR30-0.78 Landslide Repair Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-CR87-0.09/1.53 Landslide Repairs Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-CR33A-0.00 Paving Project (REBID). Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the Kimberly Road Paving Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-CR73-0.00 Paving Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-CR33A-0.00 Paving Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-OEMA Landslide Repairs Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.
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The Athens County Engineer’s Office is advertising for bids on the ATH-CR107-0.00 Paving Project. Look at the Bids and RFP’s page under the “Information” menu for more details.